We train world-class AI developers, provide fullstack R&D outsourcing services, and build AI products & spinoffs.
1. R&D and Product Focus
We have been actively developing and delivering AI cores to our customers for diverse application domains. A sneak peek into our AI R&D outsourcing & product development activities.
2. Internal Talent Training Programs
At CoTAI we aim for a culture: empowering AI talents to build, learn, integrate / iterate / innovate, spinoff and scale fast. Think of us as a combination of IDSIA, 42-school, fast.ai, YC, and more (we even have a Gravity Chamber ;-)
Specifically, we provide Intensive Fullstack AI Talent Training Programs (6—12 months, full-time/part-time) for 2 tracks:
AI Researchers, for students with strong background in math and/or algorithms.
Production AI Experts, for dev with strong software engineering skills and students with solid background in algorithms.
Besides bottom-up training programs above, we also provide top-down, pragmatic Production ML training for qualified talent to work on our numerous industrial projects.
These onsite talent training programs are tuition-free, pay-forward: learn from experts & guide junior members! Interested candidates can follow CoTAI’s LinkedIn & Facebook pages for announcement of next intakes, or just apply now for “fast-track” 😉
How to apply
If you have the following pre-requisites, please compose a CV (e.g., on Overleaf) and send us via email (title: Intensive Talent Training Application) to [email protected]
Pre-requisites: Python, Git, alg & data structure and/or software engineering (dev). Strong commitment & willingness to join CoTAI training & teaching activities.
Optional (desirable): good English, Markdown, ML/DL foundations (see our ML4AI, DL4CV & DL4NLP courses) and libs (Keras/sklearn/PyTorch, Numpy, Pandas, ONNX, etc.), Streamlit/Gradio/Plotly, Linux/Ubuntu, Productivity Tools.
CV Content:
Statement of purpose: e.g., training to do research and win graduate scholarships, to buid & launch AI products, to form team for startup, to join FAANG & big corps, etc.
Contact info (email, mobile, GitHub/LinkedIn)
Education (from secondary highschool i.e. THPT till now, and what’s next?)
Technical skills (algorithms, coding, dev FE/BE/DB/FullStack, math/alg, production ML, etc.)
Desired topics (e.g., our industrial projects) and starting time of your full/part-time intensive talent training at CoTAI.
3. Public Training Programs
Since 2019 we have distilled, synthesized, and deployed a highly effective 4-level public training program combining best practice with state-of-the-art developments of the field, enabling learners to jumpstart their career in AI.
We provide 6-semester training program for highschool students to be exposed to the underlying principles, the mathematical modeling and coding practice, the impressive and creative applications as well as the many implications of AI. The program has been deployed for MaSSP summer camps and Lê Hồng Phong Highschool for the Gifted HCMC since 2018.
⭐ We are now open for B2B partnerships. Please contact us directly for details.
🔥 We always welcome collaborators to join us (as mentors/advisors, R&D experts, customers / partners / investors, and teaching staff: TAs, instructors, course developers). If interested in helping us grow a world-class AI talent pool to build innovative AI solutions & products, please come visit us or drop us a line. Thank you!